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Raiding Information As a member of Sworn you are required to abide by and promote the following set of rules set forth by the Officers of Sworn. Any misunderstanding of the rules should not be seen as a reason to break them. Therefore it is required of you to ask should there be any misconception. 1. At any one raid you are required to bring Buff Foods, Potions and Flasks/Elixirs. Failure to abide by this will result in being given a negative amount of DKP. 2. Failure to arrive at the raid in time for raidstart will result in being given a negative amount of DKP set forth in the DKP section of the Guild Rules. Arriving late time and time again without prior notice may result in a demote or guild kick. 3. Should you go AFK during any raid without having given prior notice to the Raid Leader or one of the other group leaders you will be given an incremental DKP punishment. 4. Failure to stay through the raid without giving prior notice of leaving early will result in a DKP punishment. 5. Have installed and know how to use the addons set forth by our General Raid Info post. 6. Have Ventrilo installed and set up so that you are ready and online before raid start. You can find our Ventrilo information in the Ventrilo Information post. You are not required to have a microphone, but you are required to be able to listen and understand to the raid leader(s). 7. Be understandable of the raid leader, when you get yelled at, you get yelled at to improve our progress in the raid. Listen and do as you are told or be prepared to be replaced. 8. When you have been invited to a raid and accepted the invite. Know that the raid leaders then own you from the raid starts at 19:00 till the raid ends at 23:00. Ask the raid leader for permission if you need to do something or leave, if the raid leader says no, that means no. 9. During any raid, you shall not spam General channels, Raid channels or any other channel that can interrupt the raid leader(s) focus. Like normal, you shall never do anything that makes the guild look bad. 10. All looting will be done by the raid leader or his/her denoted master looter. Do not nag or whine about loots, but stay civil at all times. Failure to purchase an item that will significantly improve your current dps/healing/tanking output will be looked on in contempt. Do not save your DKP for future possibilities unless the item is of no real value to you. 11. Remember to sign up or sign off for raids that you can/cannot attend. Doing this makes the job a lot easier for the raid leaders. Try to sign up as early as possible. 12. Our Official Raid times are: Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 19:00 to 23:00 Server Time. PUG-Groups You are allowed to PUG any 10-man raid as much as you would like, be it on your main, alt or best friend's account as long as the raiding does not interfere with our official raid runs. This means that on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings from 19:00 to 23:00 you are not allowed to join any other raid as long as you have the time to do a complete run with us. You are not, however, allowed to PUG any 25-man raid without prior consent from an Officer of the Guild. Failure to abide by this rule will result in a guild kick. At the time of writing, this includes the following 25-man raids: - Obsidian Sanctum - Naxxramas - Malygos - Ulduar Exception(s) to this rule are the following raid(s) which are free for PUG: - Vault of Archavon A world of Warcraft week goes from Wednesday to Tuesday. DKP System Sworn uses a DKP system based on eqDKP, which means that in every raid you earn an amount of DKP dependant on the amount of loot members actually roll for and win in addition to a small amount of bonus for every hour spent in the raid. DKP is a system of points we use to show our appreciation for your hard work. We use this system to hold a fair and profitable loot dividence. Basically the system is set up to allow the people that have been the most active and haven't recently received tons of items the chance to get their items before others. In order to earn DKP you need to attend raids and take part in killing bosses within our official 25-man raids. A simple explanation to how you earn DKP follows. You earn a set amount of DKP for arriving on time and fully prepared for a raid, for each hour you attend the raid you earn another set amount of DKP. You also receive a set number of DKP for staying through the raid till the end. For each boss killed, depending on the amount of drops that are bought by other members, you receive a portion of that DKP. Basically when somebody buys an item, the DKP is split on the remaining 24 people in the raid. The following set of numbers delineate the amount of DKP given and/or taken from you due to your actions or inactions during or regarding a raid. On-Time Bonus: +1 DKP Hourly Bonus : +0,5 DKP First Boss Kill Bonus : +20 DKP Per Boss Kill Bonus : Individual. Dependant on Raid loots bought. Arriving Late for Raid : -10 DKP Signing up and not Showing up : -10 DKP Going AFK Mid Raid 1st Time : -5 DKP Going AFK Mid Raid 2nd Time : -10 DKP Going AFK Mid Raid 3rd Time : Raid Kick Leaving Raid Early : -10 DKP Whining about Raid Invites : -10 DKP The following set of numbers delineate the amount of DKP an item costs to purchase. Epic Mounts: 100 DKP 2H Weapons: 75 DKP (50 DKP if used as a 1H Weapon in Dual Wield) 1H Weapons: 50 DKP Amulet: 45 DKP Trinket: 45 DKP Ring: 45 DKP Cloak: 45 DKP Tier Items: 40 DKP Head: 40 DKP Chest: 40 DKP Pants: 40 DKP Shoulders: 40 DKP Bracer: 35 DKP Belt: 35 DKP Gloves: 35 DKP Boots: 35 DKP Relics: 30 DKP Thrown: 30 DKP Wands: 30 DKP Shield: 25 DKP Offhand: 25 DKP Off-Spec Item: 5 DKP The exception to this is old raids, in Naxxramas for instance, all Off-Spec items are now Free of charge and You will not gain DKP dependant on loot, but an improved hourly bonus. For each hour spent in Naxx 25: 10 DKP Looting All items will be given out via the masterlooting system and the Officers in charge of the raid will handle this. During looting there will be minimum banter and general QQ. Looting is decided upon by DKP and the Officers in charge.