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(Accepted) Naigar - Holy Paladin

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(Accepted) Naigar - Holy Paladin Empty (Accepted) Naigar - Holy Paladin

Post  Naigar Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:35 am

IRL information:

Name: Søren
Age: 19
Country: denmark
Current occupation: nothing

Anything else you want us to know about yourself: i'm am diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, (it's like Autisme, but only 50% of it) so i have trouble with social activity and such, but my friends is helping me, if there's something that needs to be talked about. but it's not like i cant talk, just that it takes some time, before i begin to talk

Character(s) information:

Name: Naigar
Race: Blood Elf
Class: Paladin
Professions: Alchemy 450 Elixer master / Herbalism 450

Current realm: Ravencrest
Current guild: Ravencrest Outcasts

Primary raiding spec: Holy
Offspec, if any: Holy PvP (been holy 99% since vanilla(lvl to 60 as Retri))
/played: 189 days, 12 hours (been lvl 80 for 33 days, 16 hours)

Armory: eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Ravencrest&n=Naigar (i know my belt sucks, but havent been lucky to get any from Totc or icc (took a break for 5 months and started again in late october) so it was the best i could get -_-)

Any additional information you wish to share about this character: nothing much what i have told so far

Any relevant information about your alts: dont have any. have tried, but always fail xD

Guild History and other information: been in alot of guilds. have switched servers 4 times (either they were dead, or we just wanted to try something new) the best guild i was in so far was on khadgar - Covenant, 3rd best guild on server.

Tell us about your Guild and WoW history. (when did you start playing, any significant breaks etc) started for 4 years ago, when we had tried alot of free mmo's. have taked some breaks after have tried some other mmo's, like Lotro, Warhammer online, Age of Conan and aion. but either some got tired of it and went back, or just simply becouse wow is so good a game

Tell us about your raid experience. back in vanilla, raided only ZG, AQ20 and onyxia. didnt raid MC, AQ40, BW and Naxx. in TBC i raided everything and downed everything. Wotlk i have done: Naxx 10/25 Clear. EoE 10/25 Clear. OS 10 (0 drakes)/25 (2 drakes). Ulduar 10 (made it to Hodir)/25 (made it to hodir). Totc 10/25 clear. havent done TotGc. Icc 10 1/4 (got saved at 3rd boss)/25 1/4

The hardest encounter you have beaten is? vanilla wow = Hakkar. TBC = SWP. Wotlk = EoE

What is the most useless and most useful talent or skill your class has and why? in holy i would say Sacred Cleansing, as i dont see why we should give our cleanse a little chance to give a little buff for 10 sec, when we can get something better. the best in holy is tied at Beacon of Light and Holy Shock, as Holydins need these, as BoL is a Must becouse of the heal another target for the same amount (or more if the class is a target that gets more of healing) in a 60y range and holy shock is an instant big heal and can be improved, so crits will make our Flash of light instant.

Any important addons you use for raiding? DBM, Recount, X-perls, CT_mod, Decursive, Pallypower!!,

Link a screenshot of your UI, preferably in a raid environment:

We raid Wednesday- Thursday- Sunday and Tuesday 19:30-24:00 server time. We need to know if you can make every raid. If not, please specify: I can raid all days, but will let you know when i start my training again next year

We require the use of full consumables for every raid, is this going to be a problem for you? Not at all. i make my own stuff

List your gaming machines technical specs and lowest fps during raids: Duo core @ 3.16 GHz 3.17GHz lowest fps is around 40 - 50.

Do you have a stable internet connection? It's quite stable, but can fail if the weather if really bad. but even then, it can still be stable

What do you expect from us? I expect an serious and social guild, where raiding is fun, but still a challenge.

Anything else you would like us to know: Nothing much as i already have told so far. only that i hope to become somewhat of a help to progress further Smile. thank you for your time for reading this


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